I have decided to post one missing person cold case and one murder cold case each week in addition to my book posts. It’s something very close to my heart. I simply cannot imagine anything more heartbreaking than being where these families are. If getting these stories out can help, I feel it’s time well spent. Please join me. Together we can find the answers these families so desperately seek.
Myra Lewis

Myra Lewis went missing from her home on Mount Pilgrim Road in Camden Mississippi on March 1, 2014. At the time of her disappearance she was two.
On the day of her disappearance Myra’s mother, Ericka Lewis left to go shopping while Myra and her sister were playing in the yard. She told the girls to go inside where their father, Gregory Lewis was watching the one month old.
When Erica came home she ask where Myra was. The father had assumed she had left with her mother at the last moment. Ericka was the last person to see her daughter, who had now been missing 4-5 hours.
Mr Lewis went searching for Myra on an ATV. He also took the family dog, hoping that might help find her. When search efforts failed, they contacted the police.
Several agencies, including the FBI searched the surrounding area, as well as a body of water across the road. There was no sign of Myra. There was a $20,000 reward offered by the FBI for any information leading to Myra’s safe return. That reward still exists today, for Myra has never been found.
The family members all took lie detector tests and cooperated with the police. The family SUV was checked out as well. At one point the search dogs picked up her scent in the yard but it ended at the fence.
The family home now sits abandoned. The Lewis family has moved away. But the Madison County sheriffs department continue to seek answers. If you or anyone you know might have information on this case, please contact the sheriffs department at 601-859-2345 or you can stay anonymous by contacting crime stoppers.
I’m Thinking of Ending Things by: Iain Reid

I’m thinking of ending things…..
I’m Thinking of Ending Things is the 2016 debut novel by Iain Reid and it has really blown readers away. So much so that Netflix has made a movie based on it. The movie is due to be released on Sep 4, 2020. I’m one of those people who feel the need to read the book first whenever possible. So I dove right into the book and this is what I think:
This book is different. Not bad different. Just different. For those expecting an action filled story, this isn’t it. It’s more of a slow burn. You know you’re building up to something big, it’s just not coming anytime soon.
I was actually a little put off by the story for awhile. The thing is, I started reading the book not having a clue what it was about. That was sort of a mistake. But after all was said and done, I’m glad I read it not knowing.
The author takes us on a journey down a rabbit hole even Alice would steer clear of.
The book is read as a narrative. You are experiencing the story from Jake’s girlfriend’s point of view and she is clearly on the fence about ending things with him.
But she takes a road trip with him to visit his parents on a rural, secluded farm.
What transpires from there is the most fascinating tale. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone so I’m not going to say any more about the events that unfold.
What I will say is I was beginning to feel like I was going crazy trying to make sense of this story. But now I wonder if maybe that was the whole point. The book leaves you on edge. I was a bit antsy the entire time I was reading it. And the twist at the end left me shell shocked.
It’s definitely a worthwhile read as long as you don’t mind a slow start. The writing is superb and I’m excited by this new author. Can’t wait to see it on Netflix.
Leave me a comment if you’ve read I’m Thinking of Ending Things. I’d love to know what you thought.
I love nothing better than a good mystery. Except maybe books. Or a good horror movie. Or a cup of coffee. Let’s face it, a girl is set if she has a steaming cup of coffee and a good book in her hand.
Welcome to mydarkandcozycorner! If you have found your way here, I can only assume you enjoy things a little on the dark side. And if that’s the case, we are going to be great friends.
So I’ve come to this dark corner of the web to talk about my passions to some folks that might actually want to hear about those topics. After all, you can only horrify your friends and family so often.
I hope you’ll join me on my journey. Just pull up a seat and settle in. We’ll have some great conversations in mydarkandcozycorner.