Myra Lewis went missing from her home on Mount Pilgrim Road in Camden Mississippi on March 1, 2014. At the time of her disappearance she was two.
On the day of her disappearance Myra’s mother, Ericka Lewis left to go shopping while Myra and her sister were playing in the yard. She told the girls to go inside where their father, Gregory Lewis was watching the one month old.
When Erica came home she ask where Myra was. The father had assumed she had left with her mother at the last moment. Ericka was the last person to see her daughter, who had now been missing 4-5 hours.
Mr Lewis went searching for Myra on an ATV. He also took the family dog, hoping that might help find her. When search efforts failed, they contacted the police.
Several agencies, including the FBI searched the surrounding area, as well as a body of water across the road. There was no sign of Myra. There was a $20,000 reward offered by the FBI for any information leading to Myra’s safe return. That reward still exists today, for Myra has never been found.
The family members all took lie detector tests and cooperated with the police. The family SUV was checked out as well. At one point the search dogs picked up her scent in the yard but it ended at the fence.
The family home now sits abandoned. The Lewis family has moved away. But the Madison County sheriffs department continue to seek answers. If you or anyone you know might have information on this case, please contact the sheriffs department at 601-859-2345 or you can stay anonymous by contacting crime stoppers.